Optional leveled list integration support! I also want to thank GuyOtherSome for the recent fixes in update 4.0. This uses a CBBE SE body and also provides files for BodySlide to use whatever body morphs you want with the armor. Installation of the following mods is very simple and fully compatible.

Description: A semi-lore friendly set of vanilla inspired bikini armors! Original mod here: Let's talk about Immersive Armors (WARNING: Very long criticism of the mod inside). The goal of every set is to blend into the lore, balance, and feel of the game for the most immersive experience possible. There is a light and heavy version available. Spoiler Weirdounderyourbed wrote: Hey, so I was wondering if I can use this bodyslide conversion to build the outfits for the UNP body or does it only work with CBBE? fore for Fores New Idles tool I can only find a CBBE Patch for it D: Showing 1-2 of 2 comments. Fixed most if not all of the bugs and clipping. I've used Immersive Armors since Oldrim, but found that many of the original problems still exist since Oldrim. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. JustBowlin for 360 run walk animations Skyrim Special Edition. This mod is my major massive attempt to fix everything with the female armor body pieces with the Immersive Armors mod. This is hi poly armor (in Skyrim sense ) with 4k textures. Immersive Armors NuttyFit CBBE SE replacer with Bodyslide.

Most Mods are free, Our Server is not, Please consider a Donation of at Least a Dollar. It adds CBBE TBBP versions of the original armors from Immersive Armors mod.

When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. This fix is based on 8.1 SSE which is the special edition port. Other mods in the past for Oldrim have tried to fix these issues with varying degrees of success. Credit: Nisetanaka for the original TAWOBA and Bikini Ascend. I converted the meshes to SE and fit them to the CBBE Physics body.

Far be it from me to judge those who want the barely there outfits for the plastic looking. The outfit was created or edited by COCO, Daymarr, and myself.